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Three Approaches to KPI Achievement

Our investigations have thrown light on different strategic approaches to health promotion practice that have emerged in response to the challenge of meeting NSW Health’s KPI targets for program uptake and implementation: 


Practitioners seemed to engage in a balancing act. Some LHDs had long term relationships to build on and could meet KPIs while nurturing these, others had their main focus on KPIs. Practitioners often had multiple goals in mind as HCI was rolled out. 

What do you think?

Are these styles of practice something you recognise from your own work, or the approach of your team?


Are there advantages and disadvantages of each style of practice?


How do you know if you’ve got the balance right?


Could HCI and PHIMS be further adjusted to accommodate practice diversity? 

Contact Us

 Address. Level 6, Charles Perkins Centre, University of Sydney,

Camperdown NSW 2006

Tel. (+61) 2 8627 4649

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